Wednesday, April 6, 2011

it's like riding a bicycle...

when i was 9 years old, i had a pink huffy bicycle that was (like all my stuff at the age when i sprouted what seemed like 2 inches a week) too big for me.  my parents always thought i would "grow into" things.  and so, the 2nd or 3rd time i rode that bike, i fell on a turn and scraped my knees.  badly.

i refused to get on the bike after that.

all these years later, my family still makes fun of me for having never learned to properly ride a bike.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

category please

i've started, stopped, and started numerous blogs since i came back from germany in 2005.  when you're an expat, there's this constant reshuffling of your life in phases, a settling down and settling back in, mixed in with a restless, nervous energy.  it's like being that business man who dresses himself in a meticulous fashion, and then proceeds to jiggle his immaculately tailored pant leg up and down while sitting at the table.

i've never been one for categories, but "being there" and "coming back" are two separate things - this i have learned.  though in my heart i will always be a wanderer, i've now been back longer than i was away.  things have changed, seismic plates in my life have collided, shuffled, and rearranged.  so to restart the old blogs makes no sense.  to create a new one does.

i'll repost some of my old musings on life abroad, mix in new musings about being home, and add a dash of other travel stories.  i'm due to return to heidelberg after 6 years this coming sunday, so here we go again.

welcome aboard.